Settings File = Your Settings File Script Name = MiniBBS Sends File Command Key = F-key = Menu = NO Button = NO 1 If Expression "= NumberToSend = 0" 2 Send Text String "MiniBBS has not designated any files for sending today. ^M^M" 3 Else 4 Send Text String "= 'Number of Files to Send: ',NumberToSend,'.^M'" 5 Set Variable NowSendingNum from Expression "= 0" 6 Send Text String "Files will be sent using the XModem Protocol. ^M" 7 Send Text String "Would you like the file to be sent using MacBinary XModem? ^M" 8 Send Text String "(Just type Y or N, and press .^M" 9 Send Text String " Press alone to exit without receiving files.)^M" 10 Wait for Line Not Containing "without receiving" 11 If Line Contains "Y" 12 Set Variable UseMacBinary from Expression "= TRUE" 13 Send Text String "OK- files will be sent using MacBinary XModem.^M" 14 Else If Line Contains "N" 15 Set Variable UseMacBinary from Expression "= FALSE" 16 Send Text String "OK- files will be sent using standard XModem.^M" 17 Else 18 Return Null 19 End If 20 Repeat 21 Set Variable NowSendingNum from Expression "= NowSendingNum+1" 22 Set Variable NowSendingName from Expression "= 'File_',NowSendingNum)" 23 Send Text String "= 'About To Send ',NowSendingName,'^M'" 24 If Expression "= UseMacBinary = TRUE" 25 Send Text String "Press when you are ready to receive file using^M" 26 Send Text String "XModem MacBinary Protocol.^M" 27 Else 28 Send Text String "Press when you are ready to receive file using^M" 29 Send Text String "XModem Protocol.^M" 30 End If 31 Wait for Line Not Containing "Protocol" 32 If Expression "= UseMacBinary = TRUE" 33 Send File * XMODEM MacBinary "= NowSendingName" 34 Else 35 Send File * XMODEM Plain "= NowSendingName" 36 End If 37 If Failure 38 Send Text String "File Transfer Incomplete!" 39 Return Failure 40 End If 41 Send Text String "File transfer appears successful from this end.^M^M" 42 Until Expression "= NowSendingNum = NumberToSend" 43 End If